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  • n  air-breathing fish having an elongated body and fleshy paired fins; certain species construct mucus-lined mud coverings in which to survive drought

  • Abbott and Costello, which debuted in 1952, was one of the most distinctive and acerbically funny of these video lungfish.
  • A study of more primitive sea life, such as sharks or sturgeon, might yield greater amounts of evolutionary information; even better subjects would be lungfish and coelacanths .
  • Last December a lungfish from a pond in British East Africa was placed in a large tin can filled with wet mud.
News & Articles

  • Surviving droughts: How some fish and frogs do it [Life Lines]
    Talk about unique adaptations. Here is a video showing how lungfish and desert frogs are able to survive for years outside of water during periods of drought. The video also shows how thorny devils living in harsh desert environments absorb water through their skin. These adaptations may come in handy with climate change.
    Feb. 17, 2014 - ScienceBlogs

  • Bob Brown in The Age
    I've told the minister there is no way he should allow the major breeding ground for the Australian Lungfish or the Mary River Turtle, or Mary River Cod, to be obliterated,Senator Brown said.
  • Anna Bligh in The Age
    But Ms Bligh said the centre was intended to make the Mary River "the world capital of the lungfish", not to make the dam more popular with its opponents.
  • Jason Gedrick in National Ledger
    Jason adds that "Working with Garry Marshall, seeing how he directs a play, is a good example of that. I did 'Wrong Turn at Lungfish' with him and Hector Elizondo, and found Garry very unpretentious about the way he works. Maybe through some sort of...

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