Ah, but this young Sprinfieldianite has staying power: staying in the fourth grade, to the endless vexation of his teacher and his principal; staying glued to the living-room tube .
Once I had an 80GB iPod in my hand, I discovered that the wait for a living-room option wasn't as far off as Jobs had indicated.
David Roth's quirky idea for a restaurant--40 varieties of cereal served in a comfy, living-room-style caf--has attracted both customers and attention with its playful dcor and .
Evidence-based Justice Acknowledges Our Corrupt Memories In the early hours of 9 September, 1984, a stranger entered Mrs M's California home through an open living-room window. Finding Mrs M asleep, he tried to rape her, but fled when other people in... -- Read more on ScientificAmerican.com
Aug. 14, 2013 - Scientific American