parlour :

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por ler

  • n  reception room in an inn or club where visitors can be received
  • n  a room in a private house or establishment where people can sit and talk and relax

  • But given Scott's hysteria on the subject one would agree with Otrain about something more nefarious than Washington DC, parlour speculation.

  • Trevor Phillips in ic Wales
    Mr Phillips said people did not fight and die for the right to freedom of speech only for it to be used as a "silly parlour game".
  • Chris Brown in
    Natalie has refused to deny reports she is dating Chris, saying: "It's true we did visit a tattoo parlour together but I can't say if we got anything done because that is personal. Things are going well between us but I really do not want to comment...
  • Dave Walker in The Australian
    Though a fine parlour game,Walker adds in his review, "fussing too furiously at the details would be discounting how very many of them the production gets exactly correct."

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