livestock :

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  • n  any animals kept for use or profit

  • While swine flu may not have begun with pigs, it has reopened the debate over tracing sick livestock.
  • They look at the livestock numbers.
  • The country's livestock produces enormous amounts of heat-trapping methane.
News & Articles

  • Livestock reports
    Shenandoah Livestock June 8 FEEDER: Steers, 100-199 lbs., $134.00-140.00; 200-299 lbs., $158.00; 300-399 lbs., $158.00; 400-499 lbs., $136.00; 500-599 lbs., $138.00-140.00; 600-699 lbs., $125.00-131.00; 700-799 lbs., $125.00. Bulls, 100-199 lbs., $107.00-116.00; 300-399 lbs., $133.00-170.00; 400-499 lbs., $125.00-135.00; 500-599 lbs., $114.00-122.00;...
    June 14, 2013 - The Northern Virginia Daily
  • Hansford County 4-H Livestock Judging Team Wins State 4-H Livestock Judging Contest
    The Hansford County Livestock Judging team won the State 4-H Livestock Judging Contest at the State 4-H Roundup in College Station on June 12th. The team will represent Texas 4-H as they compete at the National Judging Contest at Louisville, Kentucky in November.
    June 14, 2013 - High Plains Observer
  • 4H Livestock Day Camp ages 5-12 on June 19th
    Botetourt County 4-H Offers Cloverbud Livestock Day Camp for youth ages 5 – 12 As school is dismissed there is a new season of vacations, adventures and water sports approaching but nothing says summer like camp! This year the Botetourt County Cooperative Extension Office is excited to be hosting a Cloverbud Livestock Day Camp. The [...]
    June 13, 2013 - Roanoke Times

  • Rick Perry in Bloomberg
    The denial "is a mistake that will only increase the already heavy financial burden on families while doing even more harm to the livestock industry," Perry said. "Any government mandate that artificially props up a single industry to the...
  • Tom Vilsack in The Associated Press
    The genesis of all of this starts with recognition that folks generally in rural America are struggling,Vilsack said. "Livestock producers in particular are no strangers to that struggle."
  • Robert Mugabe in International Herald Tribune
    Today they have perfected their tactics to a more subtle form by using money literally to buy some people to turn against their government. We are being bought like livestock,Mugabe said in his first major speech since the elections.

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