licorice :

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li kuh rish

  • n  deep-rooted coarse-textured plant native to the Mediterranean region having blue flowers and pinnately compound leaves; widely cultivated in Europe for its long thick sweet roots
  • n  a black candy flavored with the dried root of the licorice plant

  • Shosaikoto is a mixture of seven herbs, including Chinese date, ginger root and licorice root, that liver specialists regard as effective in preventing C-type hepatitis from turning .
  • One problem: Americans, who like ice in their drinks, will discover that it congeals the licorice into a gooey glob.
  • Historically, the chief ingredients licorice, Malabar nut, hyssop, tea, peppermint, fennel and eucalyptus had to be boiled for hours, but manufacturers Qarshi Industries .
News & Articles

  • Cold Hard Fact for Saturday, June 15, 2013
    Fact: Former pitcher Turk Wendell used to brush his teeth and chew licorice between every inning. Bleacher Report will be bringing sports fans the most interesting and engaging Cold Hard Fact of the day, presented by Coors Light.
    June 15, 2013 - Bleacher Report
  • Man of Steel: Super Man … or Human God?
    Being Superman was so cool; that’s what decades of comics-reading boys thought. Outracing a locomotive, bending steel like licorice, leaping tall buildings, flying around saving people and sneaking into phone booths to slip out of your civvies and into your form-fitting red-and-blue outfit, with a cape as a manly fashion flourish. Sure, Lois Lane, the cutie-pie on the school newspaper, pretends ...
    June 12, 2013 - Time Magazine
  • Wine pick: The Eyrie Vineyards' 'Original Vines' Dundee Hills Pinot Gris
    This old-vines vintage has a creamy nose and palate, with notes of licorice, fennel and buttercups.
    June 10, 2013 - The Oregonian

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