Economists take infinite pains in diagnosing the auto, oil or steel industry, but almost no one tackles the industry that makes 'the most important product of all.
Out from Washington last week flashed the news that the TV industry has been waiting to hear.
So what to make of the news that major players in the health care industry are vowing to "do our part" to rein in health costs as part of the Obama Administration's drive to get a .
Marine Industry Cares Foundation Presents $125,000 to Kids In Distress and the Children’s Diagnostic & Treatment Center The Marine Industry Cares Foundation (MICF) presented checks totaling $125,000 to their benefiting charities, Kids in Distress and The Children’s Diagnostic & Treatment Center, at their 5th Annual Spin-A-Thon Thank You Party held recently. (PRWeb June 13, 2013) Read the full story at
June 13, 2013 - PRWeb
Industry-Leading Internet Retailer Acquired, New CEO Appointed Industry leading eTailer, an industry-leading online retailer of electrical, telecom/datacom/networking, home theater, cable and wire management products, recently announced the majority stake investment/acquisition by KT Capital Partners, LP and CapitalSouth Partners Funds.
June 12, 2013 - RetailSolutionsOnline
Barack Obama in BBC News There are some in the financial industry who are misreading this moment,said President Obama in a speech to mark one year since the collapse of Lehman Brothers bank. "Instead of learning the lessons of Lehman and the crisis from which we...
Bill Nelson in AFP This all shows the oil industry holds shocking sway over the administration and even key federal employees,said Nelson, who is an opponent of expanded offshore leasing that President George W. Bush has been demanding from Congress.
Edward Markey in Boston Globe This is another bad decision in a disaster riddled with bad decisions by the oil industry,Markey said. "The only thing worse than one oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico would be two oil spill disasters. This judge's decision flies in...