ineffectiveness :

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i nuh fek tiv nuhs

  • n  lacking the power to be effective

  • As in the past, the resulting compromises are likely to lead to the political divisions, disorder and ineffectiveness that plunged Haiti into chaos.
  • He also says that despite the Iraqi government's corruption, nepotism and ineffectiveness, its security forces are restoring some semblance of order.
  • The talk in this community is increasingly focused on taking matters into their hands in the face of government ineffectiveness.
News & Articles


  • Richard Lugar in Reuters UK
    We must recognise the ineffectiveness of our current policy and deal with the Cuban regime in a way that enhances US interests,Lugar said in the introduction to a report written by staff who work for the committee's Republicans.
  • Brian Wansink in UK Express
    Its author, Professor Brian Wansink of Cornell University in New York, said: "Twelve per cent more may not sound a lot, but this goes on every four to eight hours for up to four days, so it adds up to the point of ineffectiveness or even danger."
  • Cole Hamels in
    You know, if my arm was causing my ineffectiveness, I would have definitely have taken myself out, because that is not going to help the team win,said Hamels. "Giving seven-spots every time you go out just because you are trying to be...

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