effectiveness :

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i fek tiv nuhs

  • n  power to be effective; the quality of being able to bring about an effect
  • n  capacity to produce strong physiological or chemical effects

  • To tally the cost-effectiveness of such innovations Zenios and his colleagues ran a computer analysis of more than half a million patients who underwent dialysis, adding up costs .
  • How would you rate the effectiveness of the Brady Bill and the assault-weapons ban in preventing the illegal use and distribution of guns? 0.
  • writing in BuisnessWeek on the government's need to boost its effectiveness, March 14, 2006 "When I get something in the mail from the IRS, I just pay it.
News & Articles


  • David S. Kris in Times of India
    These charges underscore the global nature of the terrorist threat we face,David Kris, US Assistant Attorney General for National Security, said. "They further reflect the effectiveness of mutual investigations and cooperation with our...
  • Henry Paulson in AFP
    We will use all of the tools we've been given to maximum effectiveness, including strengthening the capitalization of financial institutions of every size,Paulson said.
  • Barack Obama in AFP
    This new, legally binding agreement reflects significant additional data privacy safeguards but still retains the effectiveness and integrity of this indispensable counterterrorism program,he added.

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