For alternating shows of ineffectuality with promises of competence, sending Japanese stocks to hell and back and bringing Wall Street along for the ride.
Eddie Cantor belongs to the school of clowns whose humor derives from ineffectuality; a certain eccentric excitability makes him sometimes hilariously funny.
After dithering while his Hamas rivals conquered the Gaza strip, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday took two decisions that underscored his ineffectuality: first, he .
Marco Rubio Needs To Borrow Your Womb To Get His Conservative Cred Back The Weekly Standard is reporting that Marco Rubio will introduce a Senate bill to ban all abortions after twenty weeks, a cynical maneuver to repair his reputation with the far right base that elected him. Rubio knows the bill won't pass; in fact, he's counting on its ineffectuality, allowing him to strut like a lawmaker without the perils of lawmaking. That such a move comes courtesy the ...
July 3, 2013 - Mediaite
Benjamin Netanyahu in New York Times Mr. Netanyahu said that the Palestinians had failed to take promised action against Hamas and militants, and given warnings from the military about "the strengthening of Hamas and the ineffectuality of the Palestinian Authority, I see no reason to...
Francis Lee in The Guardian I was about to muse about the guaranteed ineffectuality of speed merchant Walcott,writes Francis Lee. "Luckily I was delayed by perusing Hadley Freeman's piece on Uma Thurman. I might now actually start watching the match for more than...