industrialism :

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  • n  an economic system built on large industries rather than on agriculture or craftsmanship

  • But as an island of industrialism in the drowsy sea of Southern society, Atlanta attracted dissatisfied spirits who were fed up with the old order and wanted change even before .
  • And out of the deafening hubbub Henry Ford emerged as the international symbol of modern industrialism.
  • History will merely smile at his railing against Western ways, industrialism and material pleasures.
News & Articles

  • LETTER: Forest Myths and Realities
    Any news article that mentions or proposes some form of wood harvesting from forests these days tends to draw out many opinions regarding what is good or bad for the forest. Words and concepts such as ecology, biodiversity, sustainability, science, and conservation are often used to oppose industrialism, greed, pollution, global warming, erosion and environmental degradation in a simplified ...
    Jan. 11, 2014 - Flathead Beacon

  • James Howard Kunstler in
    Kunstler adds, "The damage to global ecologies by human activity accelerated rapidly with the onset of industrialism. The twentieth century with its oil-nurtured bloom of human population, was especially harsh. Everywhere, biological complexity was...
  • Andy Stern in Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
    In the 1930s, organized labor's function was, Stern says, "rounding off the rough edges of industrialism."
  • Tomáš Žižka in Prague Post
    It offers an interesting environment for new forms of expression and a response to the theme of post-industrialism,says Tomáš Žižka, artistic director of the mamapapa civic association.

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