illogic :

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i lo jik

  • n  invalid or incorrect reasoning

  • And at that point, I'd be happy to explain anything I can remember or the logic or the illogic of anything I may have said.
  • The illogic of any crackdown is that most studies of Latino immigrants show they have a strong work ethic, tight-knit families and a low use of public services.
  • The bureaucratic illogic of the messages I can ignore; the management's false concern and manipulative guile can be fun to trace out like the plot in a bad TV show.
News & Articles

  • On immigration, GOP offers fear
    Ruben Navarrette says Ronald Reagan would be ashamed of his party's fear-mongering and illogic on immigration reform
    July 1, 2013 - CNN
  • Voter fraud
    In the letter “Illogic” of the 5-23-2013 SUN, Terry Picket said that there were only 172 cases of voter fraud per year over the last 12 years.
    June 27, 2013 - The Pagosa Springs Sun

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