A humorous cross between professional wrestling and Japanese anime, Kaiju Big Battel hosts "Big Ring" and "Danger Cage" matches between "maniacal villains, ominous alien beasts and .
Had a humorous interaction with his wife, Michelle, who was sitting in the audience, at the expense of Joe Biden's awkward AIDS test commentary.
At UNDERNEATH THEIR ROBES, another humorous blog devoted to the federal judiciary, Alito didn't make the list of "superhotties.
Six highlights from college commencement season Here are snippets that jumped out at me from six commencement ceremonies at Minnesota private colleges. Most are humorous, but a couple offer interesting insights.
June 11, 2013 - Minnesota Public Radio
Ed Begley Jr in Washington Post While Begley calls the rivalry a "a friendly, humorous one-upmanship," he admits there are parts of the competition that are quite serious.
Lindy Ruff in USA Today I find it a little humorous to tell you the truth,Ruff said. "It makes it something good to talk about. Games need a little spice and we get a little spice."
Gilbert Cates in CTV.ca Chris' comments over the past few weeks are meant to be humorous digs at a show that some people, obviously including Chris himself, think may be a bit too stuffy,producer Gil Cates said in a statement released by the Academy of Motion...