MIT was the first university to heed the edupunk call: it started posting syllabi, course notes and videotaped lectures on ocw.
The powerful of the earth should take heed: deep inside that T shirt where we have tried to trap him, the eyes of Che Guevara are still burning with impatience.
Manufacturers appear to pay little heed to the substance's dangers.
Editorial: Heed advice from Holland Township students to breathe easier We will all breathe easier if parents heed the advice of Holland Township School students promoting a “No Idling/Pool to School/Ride the Bus” initiative. It started with the realization that a lot of students don’t take the bus. Over the...
June 13, 2013 - Hunterdon County Democrat
Rick Perry in Environment News Service I urge Texans to heed the warnings of their local leaders, and take all possible precautions to stay out of dangerous situations as this severe weather continues,Perry said.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Forbes I hope that in the wake of the midterm elections, the administration of President Bush will have heard and will heed the message of the American people,Ahmadinejad wrote.
Jay Rockefeller in Forbes Sadly, the administration's refusal to heed these dire warnings - and worse, to plan for them - has led to tragic consequences for which our nation is paying a terrible price,said Senate Intelligence Chairman Jay Rockefeller, DW.Va.