gunny :

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guh nee

  • n  coarse jute fabric

  • gunny: The full quote specifically mentions that, but he rambled into something of a rant on liberalism, so I didn't include the full quote.
  • KT -- can I rephrase gunny's question for you? Well, I will and I think you're uniquely qualified to answer this -- it's not "is it Obama's bill?".
  • gunny, I would refer you to the FDL link in my #2 post.

  • Peter Grant in Norwich Evening News
    Grant said: "You often see very little movement in the first week because managers say 'we're not sure yet', so the first week you spend on the phone and that's one of the reasons that Gunny came in." "You want to know for a fact that they...
  • Glenn Roeder in Norfolk Eastern Daily Press
    Gunny is just keeping the seat warm at the moment and if we have to wait a bit longer we will wait a bit longer,said Roeder. "We are doing okay at the moment. It is important when I do make a goalkeeper coaching appointment it is the right...
  • Darren Eadie in Norfolk Eastern Daily Press
    I remember Robert Ullathorne playing the ball back,recalled Eadie. "I just turned round and ran forward thinking that Gunny was going to lash it up-field." "I was waiting for the ball to come over me when I wondered why there was...

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