Kanye West Releases I Am God Clip In the latest installment of Kanye West's guerilla marketing campaign for his upcoming album Yeezus (out next week), the rapper revealed a short snippet from the studio
June 14, 2013 - antiMUSIC
Thomas Menino in Bloomberg I hope that the entire guerilla marketing industry learned something from this event,Boston Mayor Thomas Menino said in a statement. "I am happy this entire ordeal has been put to bed with this latest agreement."
Martha Coakley in NBC5.com Coakley said her "concern going forward" is that if any other companies consider "novel or guerilla" marketing campaigns they "think through more carefully the potential repercussions of such actions."
Jeremy Piven in MTV News With 'Entourage,' we have the last three episodes coming up, and we're gonna end with such a bang,Piven said. "We were over shooting in Cannes and we'd do guerilla-style; we'd just take a camera and run. And because they're used to so many...