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  • n  a cardinal number represented as 1 followed by 100 zeros (ten raised to the power of a hundred)

  • By not writing the googol out, you give your readers the idea that the value of the ordinary pengo approaches the size of the googol.
  • That's nowhere near a googol (10 to the power of 100), but it is the equivalent of 1.
  • A googol is the number which may be expressed by 10 100.

  • Brin in Sydney Morning Herald
    In an earlier post, Brin explained the reasoning behind his naming of the blog: "While Google is a play on googol, 'too' is a play on the much smaller number - two. It also means 'in addition', as this blog reflects my life outside of work".
  • Larry Page in BusinessWeek
    It turned out [] was available, and [] was not,says Page.

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