gnarled :

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  • v  twist into a state of deformity
    The wind has gnarled this old tree
  • v  make complaining remarks or noises under one's breath
  • s  used of old persons or old trees; covered with knobs or knots
    gnarled and knotted hands

  • For one gnarled veteran trawling Tuggerah Lake, actually a smallish freshwater lagoon situated about 90 km north of Sydney, that moment came just over an hour before sunrise on .
  • Hundreds of marchers wound through the capital's traffic-gnarled streets pumping their fists and chanting, "O freedom, where are you, where are you?.
  • Visually, too, the movie is in love with Barcelona, its gnarled Gaudi buildings, and with the countryside of Ovieto, a hundred shades of glorious earth tones.
News & Articles


  • Keith Richards in MSNBC
    It's embarrassing, really,Richards, 62, says in the upcoming issue of Rolling Stone magazine. "I was sitting on this gnarled shrub about six feet off the ground. I was wet - I'd been swimming. I hit the ground the wrong way, my head hit...
  • Tiger Wood in
    I made my best swing I made all week on 15,said Woods. "I couldn't believe I hit it that far, and then when I got back over there, it was kind of a gnarled lie, into the grain."
  • Humpy Wheeler in
    The mystery is why Dale and Jeff never became bitter rivals because they were made to be,Wheeler said. "Gordon was the young whippersnapper trying to take the gnarled veteran's place. That usually causes the sparks to fly. That ranks as...

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