Grocery shopping gets chic with eco-friendly designer totes to bag your greens.
Sock puppet: Noun; a writer who uses a pseudonym to add friendly comments to his own blog posts; the sock puppet will rise to the defense of the author, pick fights with those who .
Seoul's plan to make the South Korean capital more female friendly by repaving streets for high heels and painting parking spaces pink will probably not answer why women are .
Friendly confines for Reds Friendly confines for Reds Associated Press Copyright 2013 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Published 12:17 am, Thursday, June 13, 2013 Mike Leake combined with Aroldis Chapman on a three-hitter and Todd Frazier hit a tiebreaking home run in the seventh inning against Travis Wood, leading the Cincinnati Reds over ...
June 13, 2013 - Albany Times Union
Friendly City Days results Albertville Royalty — Queen Sydney Renzaglia; Princesses Katie Thelen and Brittany Klysen; Jr. Commodores Maverick Kneefe and Jacob Sterk; and … The post Friendly City Days results appeared first on Press and News .
June 13, 2013 - Dayton Press & News
Paris Hilton in The Associated Press Everyone was super nice and friendly to me,Hilton wrote. "I love South Africa! Such an amazing place, especially during The World Cup! Hope that clears everything up."
Steve Ballmer in Forbes The substantial premium reflected in our initial proposal anticipated a friendly transaction with you,Ballmer wrote. "If we are forced to take an offer directly to your shareholders, that action will have an undesirable impact on the value...
James Patterson in The Bookseller Patterson added: "Things have really changed in the digital space. With more and more people reading on iPads, Kindles, and Nooks, taking time to create interesting, user-friendly, enhanced ebook editions is becoming more and more important. And if...