castigate :

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ka stuh gayt

  • v  censure severely
  • v  inflict severe punishment on

  • The manager castigated his subordinate for delaying the project.
  • They make statements not only about the need for dialogue and reconciliation, but castigate the Iranian government for chilling press freedoms and for arresting Iranian-American .
  • It may not be all that unusual for a Democrat to castigate automakers in an environmental speech.
News & Articles


  • Bobby Rush in ABC News
    I will ask you to not hang and lynch the appointee as you try to castigate the appointer. Separate, if you will, the appointee from the appointed. Ronald Burris is worthy,Rush said.
  • Eric Clapton in KEPR 19
    The headline editor chose to castigate me quite strongly,Clapton says with more than a touch of British understatement. "I'm in the local shop, and I'm thinking, `Are the neighbors watching me read?"

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