Stung into face-saving fury, Japanese and Nazi agents insulted, browbeat, threatened him.
Jackson, who has been groping for a way to elbow into the campaign, obtained a grievance that he can use to browbeat Clinton for concessions.
To record it, Samuragoch browbeat the producers into employing a 200-piece orchestra, including musicians playing such traditional instruments as a Japanese flute and taiko drums.
Official denies allegations union strong-armed for House vote CHARLESTON, W.Va. - A union official denied his group strong-armed anyone into voting for Delegate Tim Miley, D-Harrison, for Speaker of the House. "They did not get browbeat or strong-armed from Kenny Perdue or Josh Sword," AFL-CIO President...
June 19, 2013 - Charleston Daily Mail
Arjun Singh in Giving firm indications that he was determined to press the issue of OBC quota despite protests, Singh said, "we are a democracy and not a banana republic. You cannot hijack the process and browbeat me".
Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers in Newindpress Occasionally one feels that an individual politician is trying to browbeat the judiciary, and that is wholly inappropriate,said Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers.
Henry Stimson in Press Action Stimson called the bomb a "diplomatic weapon," and duly explained: "American statesmen were eager for their country to browbeat the Russians with the bomb held rather ostentatiously on our hip."