browbeat :

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b rowbeet

  • v  be bossy towards
  • v  discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate

  • Stung into face-saving fury, Japanese and Nazi agents insulted, browbeat, threatened him.
  • Jackson, who has been groping for a way to elbow into the campaign, obtained a grievance that he can use to browbeat Clinton for concessions.
  • To record it, Samuragoch browbeat the producers into employing a 200-piece orchestra, including musicians playing such traditional instruments as a Japanese flute and taiko drums.
News & Articles

  • Official denies allegations union strong-armed for House vote
    CHARLESTON, W.Va. - A union official denied his group strong-armed anyone into voting for Delegate Tim Miley, D-Harrison, for Speaker of the House. "They did not get browbeat or strong-armed from Kenny Perdue or Josh Sword," AFL-CIO President...
    June 19, 2013 - Charleston Daily Mail

  • Arjun Singh in
    Giving firm indications that he was determined to press the issue of OBC quota despite protests, Singh said, "we are a democracy and not a banana republic. You cannot hijack the process and browbeat me".
  • Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers in Newindpress
    Occasionally one feels that an individual politician is trying to browbeat the judiciary, and that is wholly inappropriate,said Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers.
  • Henry Stimson in Press Action
    Stimson called the bomb a "diplomatic weapon," and duly explained: "American statesmen were eager for their country to browbeat the Russians with the bomb held rather ostentatiously on our hip."

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