n a native or inhabitant of England prior to the Norman Conquest
n a person of Anglo-Saxon (especially British) descent whose native tongue is English and whose culture is strongly influenced by English culture as in WASP for `White Anglo-Saxon Protestant'
n English prior to about 1100
a of or relating to the Anglo-Saxons or their language
Le Mans 24 Hours - Scrutineering procedures Scrutineering (originally weigh-in in French) is a rather quaint word! It goes back to the dawn of motor racing when the ‘verifs’ or the Anglo-Saxon word ‘scrutineering’ had not yet even been invented! Whatever! During the two days the ten or so scrutineers will do much more than just weigh the cars or take a close look at them. It’s a long job combining patience and rigour to check ... Keep ...
June 15, 2013 - Motorsport.com
Sepp Blatter in The Guardian Listen, this is a special approach in the Anglo-Saxon countries,said Sepp of hand-wringing at the former England captain's alleged philandering. "If this had happened in, let's say, Latin countries then I think he would have been...
Serge Betsen in Blackpool Gazette The Anglo-Saxon culture fascinates me,Betsen, 34, told French daily L'Equipe. "It would have perhaps been easier to sign for Toulon or someone else in France, but I wanted to take a risk and discover something different - another language,...
Hillary Rodham Clinton in FOXNews Clinton explained that in the "tradition in Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence," a fetus is not considered a person until the mother gives birth.