He has become abstract, ahistorical, postmodern, no longer a man in and of his time but a freeloading concept, a part of the available stock of cultural symbols, an image that can .
The outside world paid scant attention to these ahistorical curios.
Like 99% of his compatriots, he might have just dusted himself off at war's end, said his 20 Hail Marys, and gone about joining the blithely ahistorical postwar boom.
Does 'The Collaboration' Overstate Hollywood's Cooperation With Hitler? Brandeis professor Thomas Doherty, who wrote an earlier book on Hollywood and Hitler, calls the controversial "The Collaboration," which is excerpted in THR, "slanderous and ahistorical." read more
July 31, 2013 - The Hollywood Reporter
Nicholas Burns in International Herald Tribune This cynical and ahistorical comment by the Russian ambassador should be repudiated by his own government,Burns said responding to questions in an online discussion.
Tendai Biti in Voice of America The West is being unscientific and ahistorical, what needs to be understood is that if this experiment fails, we have no cheaper alternative, no cheaper option,said Biti. "I speak as one, the only thing the struggle has not done to me is...
Seth Jones in eTaiwan News There's no recent history of a stable Afghanistan caused by a strong central government, so let's stop trying to create something that is totally ahistorical,Jones said.