Slaughterhouse-Five: For Vonnegut, man's worst folly is a persistent attempt to adjust, smoothly, rationally, to the unthinkable.
After a few beers on the couch in his apartment in Hong Kong's Wanchai district, Fai stands up to adjust his carefully unkempt clothesgray T shirt and navy cotton flat-front .
Can children constrained to such a stunted sphere adjust to the world's cacophony? And what can modern science and medicine do to help? The condition of the oldest child, Kerstin .
Does Derrick Rose Need to Adjust His Game to Stay Healthy for Chicago Bulls? It has been quite a long while since we’ ve seen Derrick Rose in a Chicago Bulls uniform. Quite frankly, even when he was last playing, he was amidst a 2011-12 season that was laden with bumps and bruises. How can he eliminate these health woes from his young career? More specifically, does the Bulls superstar need to adjust his game to stay healthy? This is a valid question, namely because of ...
June 17, 2013 - Bleacher Report
BAE Must Adjust its Cost Base: New Chairman BAE Systems must adjust its cost-base, according to newly appointed chairman, Roger Carr, amid ongoing cuts to defense budgets across the Western world.
June 14, 2013 - CNBC
Defected Cuban dancers adjust to U.S., seek work Defected Cuban dancers adjust to U.S., seek work Associated Press Copyright 2013 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Updated 10:15 am, Friday, June 14, 2013 MIAMI (AP) — They practice in the back of a dance studio next to a Wendy's restaurant in a strip mall. Six ballet dancers leap across the floor, hidden from view ...
June 14, 2013 - San Francisco Chronicle
Robert Gates in Washington Post The president, as commander in chief, always has the option to adjust his decisions,Gates answered.
David Plouffe in Washington Post Obama's 2008 campaign manager, David Plouffe, said Huntsman is a Republican who "seems to understand the party has to adjust _ not stubbornly believe that everything is OK and it is the country that has to change."
Alan Greenspan in USA Today Given the financial damage to date, I cannot see how we can avoid a significant rise in layoffs and unemployment,Greenspan said. "Fearful American households are attempting to adjust, as best they can, to a rapid contraction in credit...