foamy :

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foh mee

  • s  producing or covered with lathery sweat or saliva from exhaustion or disease
  • s  emitting or filled with bubbles as from carbonation or fermentation
    foamy (or frothy) beer

  • Here is a picture of palm trees swaying gently under a cottony blue sky while a family frolics in the foamy surf.
  • Models in colorful, voluminous outfits made out of shower curtains and hospital intestine bags were strutting the catwalk, spraying sparkling wine and foamy shower soap into the .
  • Soon after that, Pat discovered that his urine had turned brown and foamy.
News & Articles


  • Stephen Furst in PR Web (press release)
    Most people with kidney disease don't know they have it and are unaware of the most common warning signs of kidney disease--foamy urine, mental confusion, headaches, nausea and vomiting--so we are making a mini-movie about them,Stephen Furst...
  • Peggy Noonan in Christian Science Monitor
    As fellow conservative speech writer Peggy Noonan wrote approvingly in The Wall Street Journal: Hughes "doesn't have to wear makeup now. She can have a soft face. She can wash her face in Dove foamy cleanser."
  • Jim Leyland in
    On Miller still looking like a teenager, though, Leyland said, "I don't think he's buying a lot of foamy Gillette."

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