anarchical :

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a nor kuh kuhl

  • s  without law or control

  • One expects something in the Mel Brooks moldraucous, anarchical, anachronisticfrom Gene Wilder's debut as a director.
  • The squabbling and anarchical governments that misruled France before and after the war were blood cousins to the contentious and political Resistance apparatus, with one .
  • By week's end, the gulf between the government and studentswho were joined by France's major unionshad widened into a serious anarchical challenge to Charles de Gaulle's .

  • Douglas Coupland in Toronto Star
    Coupland calls it a manifestation of "the kind of depressing legislated creativity that arises from big-box craft stores ...... how to do something anarchical with flower stickers? That's a real challenge."
  • Pat Morrow in Calgary Herald
    The original members were anarchical by nature,says Morrow, who joined the club in 1970. "The club's loose-knit organization left climbers open to pairing up with the most talented or the most motivated individuals at any given time. And...

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