afro-american :

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  • Fisher DeBerry in ESPN
    Last week, after a 48-10 loss to TCU, DeBerry noted that TCU "had a lot more Afro-American players than we did and they ran a lot faster than we did. Afro-American kids can run very well. That doesn't mean that Caucasian kids and other descents...
  • Cliff Floyd in USA Today
    We need to get out there,Floyd said. "Hopefully, this is a step in the right direction, and Afro-American kids get out there and see baseball is a great sport - let them know we are there. We're just not on TV. We have to do something...
  • Spike Lee in Variety
    I met a black veteran who fought at Iwo Jima, and he told me how disappointed he was that there was not even one Afro-American (soldier) in Clint Eastwood's two films,Lee told the Italo newspaper.

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