wheedle :

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  • v  influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering

  • Presumably untrue is the tale that he got his stake in life through pocketing by agreement 40% of all he could wheedle from the late eccentric Baron Michelham in the interest of .
  • Bud, in his mid-20s, is learning how to wheel and wheedle; Tom, in his mid-30s, already knows how to ingratiate and conquer.
  • Spielberg: At the very beginning of it, he said to me you have to understand, Stanley was an amazing kind of individual because he was able to wheedle out of you more .
News & Articles

  • Diamond’s aren’t forever
    A reader writes: Dear Ivana, I’m taking the stage at the Academy Awards show, and a wonderful jeweler loaned me a fabulous clump of diamonds to wear. I want them. How can I wheedle these baubles for free? Signed, Gimme Dear Gimme, It’s tough to convince someone that they meant, deep down, to give you a million dollar gift, even if you pretend it’s your birthday. Just hand over the goods ...
    March 2, 2014 - Boston Herald

  • Larry Sabato in Reuters
    There should be an ironclad agreement on disclosure,said Larry Sabato, a University of Virginia political scientist. "Because one thing we've learned about Bill Clinton is if he can possibly wheedle his way out of disclosure, he'll do it."
  • Simon Pegg in Trek Today
    I might try to wheedle my way back into the affections of Lucasfilm (Lucas' production company) and write an episode of the new live action Star Wars TV series,said Pegg.
  • Kim Yong-Hyun in The Chosun Ilbo
    Prof. Kim Yong-hyun of Dongguk University said, "The North is playing up its economic difficulties in an effort to wheedle aid out of the international community including South Korea."

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