His gravel-voiced oratory beats at the unwary with the brass of a top sergeant and the blarney of a sideshow barker.
This time the Cockneys and Afro-Brits are joined by crooks Russian, Hasidic-American and crypto-Irish Gypsy (a funny, blarney-spewing Brad Pitt).
The Last Hurrah (John Ford; Columbia) is based on Edwin O'Connor's 1956 bestseller about the bad old days when political machines were run on blarney, graft, openhanded charity .
Ben Stiller in Movies.ie I know it's going to sound like some tourist blarney, but Ireland does feel like a second home to me,says Ben Stiller in our video interview below. "I feel I know it better than I know Hollywood. At least, I wish I did. It's been a long...
James McAvoy in Contactmusic.com MCAvoy says, "It's completely disrespectful to an Irishman to suggest the English overlords all had Irish accents, just because you want a bit of the Irish blarney for the American audiences." "The country has made my career, made FOREST...