Ever heard of this one "Know yourself and know your enemy, and in a hundred batells there will be an hundred victories!" I do not whish you to stop fighting for what you think is .
The speaker was no TV space cadet, but a real-life space pioneer, Test Pilot William Bridgeman, 41, describing how it felt to whish 15 miles above the earth at nearly twice the .
Business awards and achievements bull;The Zacher Company/CORFAC International director of finance, property manager and sales associate Joy Neuenschwander has received a certified property manager designation, whish is conferred by the Institute of Real Estate Management .
Oct. 21, 2013 - Fort Wayne News-Sentinel
Robert Kocharian in PanARMENIAN.Net I whish they could integrate and live instead of isolating themselves. No politician or party is doomed to sit in the parliament eternally,Robert Kocharian said.
Diego Maradona in Xinhua If there was a person who did not deserve this, it was him. He will have another chance, because he is a great guy. Now he is in hands of God and I whish he helps him,said Maradona.
Urmas Paet in France24 We must modernize our gas transport system in order to improve its reliability and have the opportunity to increase volumes of the pumped gas. If consumers declare their whish to buy more and suppliers, which are Russia and Asian countries, agree... Viktor Yanukovych http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Yanukovych&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNEwMmsZpcMxOJOk0Wek0E3UgQWGgA ISRIA (registration) http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.isria.com/pages/19_June_2010_107.php&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNEgatn8jAqMPeYtHlgHhy0k896C7Q Jun 19, 2010
109982 144117 whisk Embassy staff in Moscow have been locked in for the past four days," Paet said on Estonian Radio. "We were able to whisk out a pregnant employee with an under-age child overnight but other workers can't go in or out."