warhorse :

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  • n  a work of art (composition or drama) that is part of the standard repertory but has become hackneyed from much repetition
  • n  an experienced person who has been through many battles; someone who has given long service
  • n  horse used in war

  • Liked 'em all: snazzy new versions of Grease, Gypsy and Sunday in the Park With George, and a fairly traditional but winning revival of that long-unseen warhorse, South Pacific.
  • The bowing out of the old warhorse, therefore, will likely leave behind an even more confused political landscape unlikely to produce a decisive winner next time Israel votes.
  • Far from a warhorse, the show today looks surprisingly fresh, astringent, meaty and convention-defying.
News & Articles

  • Victor Bell, CEO of Champion Development Academy LLC, Launches New Program To Combat Trend of “Men No Longer Being Men”
    Victor "The Business Battle Authority" Bell, former MMA fighter and CEO of Warhorse Training Academy and Champion Development Academy LLC announced a business consulting program ge
    June 11, 2013 - Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
  • Review: ISO ends season on a modern note
    Featuring a "brand new" contemporary piano concerto and a scintillatingly modern orchestral concerto, the ISO closed its classical season in an unusual manner. by Tom Aldridge Leave it to Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra music director Krzysztof Urba?ski to defy convention in concluding an ISO classical season. What we usually get is a big, familiar, audience-attracting warhorse to close down a ...
    June 9, 2013 - Nuvo

  • Michael Franzese in FOXNews
    My dad, he's an old warhorse. I think my dad's legend is very important to him,Franzese said. "He's so conditioned to be what he is I don't think he could ever be any other way."
  • David Wells in MLB.com
    I just said, 'Go sit down and watch an old warhorse do his job and don't say a word. Just let me go,'Wells said. "I was just being sarcastic, no meaning behind it, just talking [smack], basically, and that was it. He just laughed at me,...
  • Dennis Green in USA Today
    I love challenges and believe in the concept, too,says Green, fired by the Cardinals after the 2006 season. "This whole idea of coaching in the UFL does not disturb my lifestyle, so let's bring the old warhorse out of retirement. I can...

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