His conversation with his wife in the bar was such a believable, recognizable one for a married couple: basically, he's torn about his decision and wants to hear her vocalize his .
Its catchy chorus, which sounds like a swing version of Long, Long Ago, enabled soldiers to vocalize a theme that worries most of them more than the war.
The number of young Tamils who are specifically sympathetic to the Tigers' cause is unclear, but they, too, vocalize their sentiments.
New Book, "Other People" Is the Modern Day “Outsiders” Author, George Fithen shares social commentary to vocalize the life and emotions of those being bullied. (PRWeb June 28, 2013) Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/6/prweb10878624.htm
June 29, 2013 - PRWeb
Stephen Harper in National Post We continue to protest this at every level,Harper told reporters Friday, referring to the Celil case. "We will continue to vocalize these concerns."
Carnell Lake in Los Angeles Times Asked why that message wasn't conveyed sooner, Lake said, "In my mind, I just wanted an easy first day. Maybe I should have vocalized that to him. Obviously, everybody seems to think like I needed to vocalize that."
Elvis Costello in NPR Williams displays some apprehension in the interview clip played here, however, Costello says, "At the end, you had really won her over - she audibly relaxes. You actually did cajole her to vocalize, although she was not known as a singer."