vacillating :

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va suh lay ting

  • v  be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action
  • v  move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern
  • s  uncertain in purpose or action

  • In our time, vacillating between two very different types, Franklin Roosevelt and Konrad Adenauer, I choose the former because his achievements had greater significance for world .
  • In a crisis he can act paradoxically, appearing--almost simultaneously--strong and weak, decisive and vacillating, Churchill and Chamberlain.
  • In America the Vincible (1959), he called the Eisenhower Administration's foreign policies "static, timid, vacillating and unrealistic," thus severing his personal relationship .
News & Articles

  • Bears want to profit from inverse fund
    Stocks are vacillating at all-time highs, and some traders are looking for a pullback. optionMONSTER's tracking systems detected unusual activity in the ProShares Short S&P 500 Fund, which is designed ...
    July 23, 2013 - optionMONSTER via Yahoo! Finance

  • Phil Jackson in WLOX
    Some of it's about health,Jackson said. "Some of it is just the way I feel right now. I've had vacillating feelings about it. It's hard not to feel like coming back when you ...... have an opportunity to coach a team that's this good, but...
  • John Edwards in Guardian Unlimited
    For me it's simple,Edwards said in an excerpt provided by his campaign. "No more pontificating. No more vacillating. No more triangulating. No more broken promises. No more pats on the head. No more we'll-get-around-to-it-next-time. No...
  • Edward Seaga in Los Angeles Times
    ...his call for Golding to resign, Seaga, who represented Tivoli Gardens in Parliament before Golding took over the district, said the prime minister is "vacillating, bumbling and heads a corrupt government."

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