In between you hear the conversation, the unending concern and confusion over where and how to draw the lines.
To this unending effort to know God, man is driven by the noblest of his intuitionsthe sense of his mortal incompletenessand by hard experience.
Now add tainted baby milk to a seemingly unending stream of foods, drugs, pet foods and toys that over the past two years have killed or injured thousands worldwide.
Review: The leaden 'Man of Steel' doesn't soar It has been a black eye to Hollywood that throughout this, the unending and increasingly repetitive age of the superhero blockbuster, the comics' most iconic son has eluded its grasp like a bird, or, if you will, a plane.
June 19, 2013 - Savannah Morning News
Water rates set to rise in Rockaway Borough ROCKAWAY -- Water was on the minds of the Borough Council when discussing new rates Thursday, June 13, despite the seemingly unending downpour lately.
June 18, 2013 - The Citizen of Morris County
Steny Hoyer in USA Today In the days ahead, the Iraqis must make the tough decisions and accept responsibility for their future,Hoyer, D-Md., said during the weekly Democratic radio address. "And the Iraqis must know: Our commitment, while great, is not unending."
Nicholas Kulish in Terre Haute Tribune Star On that day six years ago and on the days that followed in the midst of our grief and turmoil we also witnessed strength and resilience as a people. It was a day with no answers but with an unending line of those who came forward to help one... Rudy Giuliani Times Online Sep 11, 2007
104433 137881 unendingly As Kulish wrote: Why Germany seems unendingly obsessed with Nazism is itself a subject of perpetual debate here, ranging from the nation's philosophical temperament, to simple awe at the unprecedented combination of organization and brutality, to...