undetectable :

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uhn di tek tuh buhl

  • s  not easily seen
  • s  barely able to be perceived

  • But in a flash, after some undetectable misstep, the dancebot dissolves into a self-conscious schoolgirl.
  • They always made a silent escape, wiping their electronic fingerprints clean and leaving behind an almost undetectable beacon allowing them to re-enter the machine at will.
  • But in Allerca's mixed-breed (not genetically engineered) cats, the protein is virtually undetectable.

  • Greg Anderson in USA Today
    Also during that conversation, Anderson told Hoskins that "everything that I've been doing at this point, it's all undetectable," according to the documents.
  • Frank Drake in The Sun
    Dr Drake said: "Now the actual amount of radiation escaping is about two watts, not much more than you get from a cell phone. If this continues into the future, very soon our world will become undetectable."
  • Patrick Arnold in International Herald Tribune
    I believe Ms. Thomas understood full well that this was undetectable, and that was its intention,Arnold said.

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