tweedle :

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twee duhl

  • v  sing in modulation
  • v  play negligently on a musical instrument
  • v  entice through the use of music

  • And to come across all their tweedle-de-dums and tweedle-de-dees.
  • He tweedle-eedled a little on the treble, and twoodle-oodled some on the bass.
  • With a rat-a-tat-tat of snare drums and a fifelike tweedle, the Texan (presumably) chorus chants about the girl back home.
News & Articles

  • Rain slows Tweedle's Cruze Fest
    VIENNA - Despite a rain shower in the late afternoon the ninth annual Tweedle's Cruze Fest took place Saturday and Sunday. Organizer Rick Dotson said the show is held each year to benefit the Children's Miracle Network.
    July 1, 2013 - Parkersburg News and Sentinel

  • Nigel Evans in BBC News
    1233 Tory Nigel Evans says the country is run by "Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum" and calls for an election soon.
  • David Cameron in BBC News
    Mr Cameron said: "My fear is...... we'll all potter down to the polling station, we'll all put a cross in the box, we'll think we've changed our government. We'll wake up the next day and find that Tweedle Dum is talking to Tweedle Dee, who's...
  • Nick Clegg in BBC News
    Mr Clegg said he hoped people would reject "tweedle dee, tweedle dum politics" and turn to his party.

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