trigger :

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tri ger

  • n  lever that activates the firing mechanism of a gun
  • n  a device that activates or releases or causes something to happen
  • n  an act that sets in motion some course of events
  • v  put in motion or move to act
    trigger a reaction
  • v  release or pull the trigger on

  • In this scenario, the trigger would not be put into place because the employee still has 3,600 to go before he reached the maximum trigger.
  • Most cats produce a protein in their saliva that can trigger an allergic reaction in humans; some breeds, like the Siamese, produce less of it than others.
  • According to the Las Vegas Sun, the Senate Majority Leader thinks putting a trigger on the public option is "a pretty doggone good idea": WASHINGTON -- Senate Majority Leader Harry .
News & Articles


  • Ban Ki-moon in Seattle Post Intelligencer
    Unless we properly manage this issue, this could trigger a cascade of other challenges and crises affecting not just social and economic issues, but also political and security issues,Ban said following talks in London with British Prime...
  • Frances Fragos Townsend in Sydney Morning Herald
    There's nothing overtly obvious in the tape that would suggest this is a trigger for an attack,Ms Townsend said.
  • Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in FOXNews
    If anyone allows himself to commit even a tiny offense against Iran's legitimate interests, borders and sacred land, our armed forces will break his hand before he pulls the trigger,Ahmadinejad said during the parade.

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