transcriber :

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tran skrahy ber

  • n  a person who translates written messages from one language to another
  • n  someone who rewrites in a different script
  • n  someone who represents the sounds of speech in phonetic notation
  • n  someone who makes a written version of spoken material
  • n  a musician who adapts a composition for particular voices or instruments or for another style of performance

  • Ernest Hemingway "Make no mistake, Ernest Hemingway is somebody; a new, honest, un-'literary' transcriber of life.
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  • Alcee Hastings in The Palmetto Scoop
    I apologize to our transcriber, but I want to put into the record what we have to put up with in the Rules Committee,Hastings said before going into the list of sexual behavior that is specifically not protected by the legislation.

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