systematize :

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  • v  arrange according to a system or reduce to a system
    systematize our scientific knowledge

  • So attempts were made to systematize the way in which various codes of the game should be played.
  • The Mothers Act, which funds research, education and awareness, is the only piece of legislation that would help systematize sorely lacking support and services.
  • Of all the faiths that recognize the continuing eruption of the divine in human affairs, Catholicism has gone farthest to systematize that belief; and Di Ruberto, the Under .

  • Andrew Natsios in
    Natsios sees that view as the reason that Powell announced the Global Development Alliance, "which is our effort to systematize in the work of AID [USAID] our public-private partnerships. We now have 140 new alliances within AID; there were 12 when...

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