tailor-make :

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  • v  create (clothes) with cloth
  • v  make to specifications

  • Computers and sophisticated mailing lists now make it possible to tailor-make magazines that home in unerringly on the most specialized of interests, occupations, skills, pleasures.
  • Another researcher, Alfred Cho, uses a process called molecular-beam epitaxy to tailor-make new semiconducting and optical materials by spraying wafers with thin layers of atoms or .
News & Articles

  • High-octane bacteria could ease pain at the pump: Engineered E. coli mass-produce key precursor to potent biofuel
    Potent gasoline-like biofuels are needed to fuel millions of cars with internal combustion engines, and current biofuels don't pack the necessary power. Now scientists have programmed bacteria to tailor-make key precursors of high-octane biofuels that could one day replace gasoline.
    June 25, 2013 - Science Daily
  • High-octane bacteria could ease pain at the pump
    ( Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard ) Potent gasoline-like biofuels are needed to fuel millions of cars with internal combustion engines, and current biofuels don't pack the necessary power. Now scientists have programmed bacteria to tailor-make key precursors of high-octane biofuels that could one day replace gasoline.
    June 25, 2013 - EurekAlert!

  • Stuart MacGill in Fox Sports
    John Buchanan's mantra has always been that if the players look after themselves, the results will look after themselves,MacGill said. "In 2005, Australia had a very, very good side, all they needed to do was tailor-make a game plan, and...
  • Mark Sanford in South Carolina Now
    By jumping on this bandwagon, Sanford said South Carolina is able to "tailor-make incentives and penalties ...... that begin to lead to more in the way of health and less in the way of cost."
  • Vijaypat Singhania in Economic Times
    On Saturday, Mr Singhania said "I believe each institute must have the flexibility to tailor-make its programmes and suit its own needs as well as those of its students. The pan-IIM board will marginalise the existing boards that comprise of eminent...

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