And their backs creaked beneath the violent tugging of bold hands, and the sweat flowed down in streams; and many a weal, red with blood, sprang up along their ribs and shoulders .
Is there anything Botox can't do? The FDA last week approved the anti-wrinkle wonder drug for yet another use: drying out supersweaty armpits (a condition known as hyperhidrosis).
For flavors of sweat, the human body is a regular soda fountainthe sweat of the brow is strong in uric acid, the sweat of the hands is strong in chloride (salt), the sweat of .
First responders to sweat it out for The One Fund FOXBORO — Hundreds of first responders plan to sweat it out this weekend in a workout challenge at Gillette Stadium to raise money for The One Fund. Organizers say participants will include many of the police officers, firefighters, nurses and paramedics who responded to the Boston Marathon bombings. The One Fund is the primary victims' compensation fund to aid victims of the attack. The ...
June 21, 2013 - Boston Herald
Yankees Using Mark Teixeira's Sweat To Sell Pricey Legends Seats The sales world is full of creepy pitches, but this one we got from a Yankees ticket rep hawking $1,000 Legends suite seats is especially weird. Have you ever wanted to be so close you could floss Robinson Cano's smile? (No.) Mark Teixeria's sweat also makes an appearance in the pitch, which offers discounts on Legends seats of "up to 30%." Why the drastic slash in prices? Nobody's buying them ...
June 21, 2013 - Deadspin
Horses Sweat Detergent and More Smelly Secrets Hippo sweat is red, horse sweat works like detergent, plus more details on sweat that you probably never knew.
June 18, 2013 - Discovery News
Winston Churchill in Babble (blog) make the tattoo a bit more historically significant, Angie added V MCMXL which would make it read May 13, 1940 in honor of a speech by Winston Churchill where he stated, "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat."
Robert Mugabe in AFP Later Friday, at a rally in Bulawayo, Mugabe said: "We will never allow an event like an election reverse our independence, our sovereignty, our sweat and all that we fought for ...... all that our comrades died fighting for."