This is the first of Lauzon's extravagant fantasies and, like other, odder ones, it is cogently grounded in the solitude that can smother any childanybody.
Just because Asian movies don't smother the screen with sex doesn't mean a lot of filmmakers aren't, um, doing it.
Some of them suggested that Barbara Baekeland, a social-climbing former model who gave her son smother love but no stability, had been courting her own death.
5-Year-Old Starts Lemonade Stand For Peace Across Street From Westboro Baptist Church A five-year-old from Kansas City set up a lemonade stand across the street from the Westboro Baptist Church to send a message of peace and love. "As we all know, the Westboro Baptist Church puts a lot of hate into the world," said Aaron Jackson who owns the Equality House where Jayden Sink set up her lemonade stand. "Since we cannot stop them, the next best thing is to smother it with love ...
June 16, 2013 - Opposing Views
Woman assaulted in Lakehurst motel LAKEHURST — A Toms River man is charged with aggravated assault after a woman told police he attempted to smother her with a pillow while he choked her and held her at knifepoint.
June 14, 2013 - Asbury Park Press
Emmy contenders: Vera Farmiga cozies up to 'Bates Motel' As the smothering mother of the notorious Norman Bates in a modern-set prequel to the Hitchcock classic, the Oscar-nominated actress has warmed to the small screen. Vera Farmiga remembers vividly how she came to see Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho" for the first time.
June 13, 2013 - Los Angeles Times
Larry Brown in USA Today Our continued dependence on fossil fuels will jeopardize our national security. It will smother our planet. And it will continue to put our economy and our environment at risk. We cannot delay any longer, and that is why I am asking for your... Barack Obama Daily Caller Jun 14, 2010
91543 121633 smother We didn't handle it. We had a foul to give. We're going to smother everything - no threes and we give up a three," Charlotte coach Larry Brown said. "Then we had a good shot at the end."
Mark Teixeira in USA Today I was playing one step toward the line,Teixeira said. "I just didn't want a cheap groundball to get down that line. Brian hit it good, but I just wanted to try to smother it and get the out."