skullduggery :

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  • n  verbal misrepresentation intended to take advantage of you in some way

  • Where public discussion is not free and political dissent is throttled, skullduggery is bound to take root.
  • To counter the urge of any criminal to turn on his comrades and inform authorities of their skullduggery,criminal societies often keep hostages.
  • When the government sequestered the leader of the opposition's property, cries of political skullduggery from the opposition could not be far behind.

  • Sylvester Stallone in USA Today
    In this town, nothing seems as it is,Stallone said. "There's so much skullduggery."
  • Boris Johnson in The Guardian
    Boris called the impasse that still existed "spectacular and scandalous, ludicrous skullduggery behind the scenes, with cloak and dagger assignations, indeed romantic assignations".
  • Stephen Greenblatt in NPR
    It's nothing that gives you the kind of certainty that can never be called into question,Greenblatt says. "Anything can be called into question. But you'd have to have a very strong reason to believe that there was skullduggery or an...

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