shabbiness :

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  • n  a lack of elegance as a consequence of wearing threadbare or dirty clothing
  • n  an unjust act

  • Eventually, Nanaimo plans to equip its grass-cutting machines with GPS devices, so residents piqued by the apparent shabbiness of a particular park or grass verge can use Google to .
  • The shabbiness of the surroundings underscores the diligent purpose of the event, at least for now.
  • The place has a vaguely familiar feel to it, this air of transient shabbiness and nondescriptitude.

  • Lawrence Small in
    The buildings are shabby. That's the inescapable reality, and that shabbiness is unacceptable,Small said. "When people enter a Smithsonian museum, they should have an immense feeling of pride. Americans should look in awe at these...
  • Christopher Isherwood in Wall Street Journal
    Christopher Isherwood wrote bitterly of the "mean puritanism" among Labour politicians who seemed to find "virtue in austerity and shabbiness, in controls and restrictions."

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