As for "the seediness of power (prostitutes in the hotel bar, the extravagant wealth, the averted gazes)," Vegas, anyone? Eliot Spitzer? South Florida and the feudal gated .
Novelist James Welch, 34, neatly juggles despair and hope; the book's sur faces convey both a sad seediness and a tumbledown vitality.
It was perhaps a infelicitous metaphor, given both the seediness of Las Vegas and the ridiculous excess of the party itself.
Can New Dating Site Take "Sugar Daddy Dating" Mainstream? Tribe Hollywood Communications, a communications and entertainment company, announces a new website aiming to make "regular" dating more adventurous, sexy and straightforward but skirt the seediness of "sugar daddy" sites. (PRWeb August 08, 2013) Read the full story at
Aug. 8, 2013 - PRWeb
Robert Rodriguez in Voice of America I just love this material. I've always wanted to do a film noir,Rodriguez says. "I love the seediness, the excitement of it [and] the visceral quality...... the fact that you get to go meet people that you would never meet in your normal...