Book launches for works of history are typically sedate, often even boring affairs, but the shouts of "Lie!" and "Slander!" from the agitated crowd suggest that the latest offering .
Quant opened her London boutique Bazaar in 1955, a sedate era of couture geared to the middle-aged.
Mukesh is sedate and prefers spending time with his children or catching up on technical journals.
Don't f- with the Westminster Choir I’ve always thought that the audience members at the Spoleto Chamber Music Series were fairly rabid in their support and enthusiasm. But they’re a sedate bunch compared to the followers of the Westminster Choir. more…
June 5, 2013 - Charleston City Paper
Major Michael Mori in Turkish Press David took it and then it started to basically sedate him,Mori told Australia's ABC radio. "The next thing he knew, he was being taken out of his cell and somebody was talking to him about charges and he really couldn't comprehend what was...
Kevin Pietersen in Oneindia Speaking for the first time about parenthood, Pietersen said: "Changing nappies at 5am still drunk is probably not the best thing in the world so I haven't had any nights out as a dad - only a couple of sedate dinners."
Tony Stewart in Detroit Free Press The first time he gets me in a boat and gets me out about 50 feet and says, 'All right, we're fishing for paychecks today,' I'm swimming back. If I drown, you guys will know what happened,Stewart said. "We only had to sedate him for about...