Heat the Coke you bought on a stove until it turns thick and saucy, and presto.
That line, from West's 1932 Night After Night, embodied the saucy spirit of early talkies.
At the heart of the drama was Rupert Murdoch, the saucy conservative press baron known to his critics as "the Dirty Digger," tangling with Ted Kennedy, the controversial liberal .
What's The Biggest Mistake You've Made In A Job Interview? We asked readers that simple question on Facebook, and you responded. Boy, did you respond. Here's a saucy sampling of your best (worst) mistakes on job interviews. Two days ago we discussed the six ways you can secretly sabotage your job interview . We followed that up with a simple question on Facebook: "What's the biggest mistake you've ever made (or observed) in a job interview?" Read Full ...
June 13, 2013 - Fast Company Magazine
Albuquerque eatery loses thousands of dollars due to power outage Monday's power outage forced one restaurant in Albuquerque to throw out about $1,000 worth of food. In the last few days, The Saucy Italian Bistro has had to turn customers away and cancel reservations all because the power went out. "We lost revenue, we lost product, employees lost their salaries," said owner Maria Constantine. Power to the restaurant was restored Tuesday afternoon, but it was ...
June 13, 2013 - KOAT Albuquerque
Shaun White in Yahoo! Sports I just felt like I didn't come to Vancouver not to pull out the big guns,White said. "It was the savvy thing to do. Saucy. Keep it weird."
Michael Bay in FOXNews If I disrespected her she probably would have slapped me,Bay said. "She was just that saucy."
Barack Obama in Sydney Morning Herald I play this wannabe, an item girl, who just wants to become successful. My character is a funny, sassy, saucy screwball. And yes, I had loads of fun doing the role. It's an ensemble cast. But I'd like to believe my track with Salman Khan is... Priyanka Chopra http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priyanka_Chopra&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNEfVLotgIrC_Rlt6_CfECWAFMxynQ Times of India http://www.google.com/url?q=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/1057634.cms&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNEdHW6pjPcjpTA9G_rLyFrJaN_JfQ Jan 4, 2007
86095 115124 saudi This is my first visit to Saudi Arabia, but I've had several conversations with His Majesty," Obama said.