The Watergate ordeal cast up a score of minor and major villains, from third- rate burglars to reprobate White House movers and shakers.
The man who had once been Prince Hal, the reluctant heir to the throne, was in danger of turning into Falstaff, the aging reprobate.
A thoroughgoing reprobate, he became Dictator of Venezuela 27 years ago when Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler had scarcely a political thought in their heads.
Shelf Space “Wreck-It Ralph”: Here's hoping for a high score from this ingenious Disney toon, which has the potential to bring the NES and Wii generations together for a fun family game night. “The Campaign”: Weirdo Zach Galifianakis challenges moral reprobate Will Ferrell for Congress in this raunchy political comedy. Money sways elections, the most pliable candidate gets the most money, big business pulls ...
Sept. 12, 2013 - San Antonio Express-News
New Media “Wreck-It Ralph”: Here's hoping for a high score from this ingenious Disney toon, which has the potential to bring the NES and Wii generations together for a fun family game night. “The Campaign”: Weirdo Zach Galifianakis challenges moral reprobate Will Ferrell for Congress in this raunchy political comedy. Money sways elections, the most pliable candidate gets the most money, big business pulls ...
Sept. 12, 2013 - San Antonio Express-News
Ernesto Sabato in In Informe sobre ciegos (Report on the Blind, 1961), Ernesto Sábato commented, through the voice of a scoundrel: "before the noun 'little old man' they inevitably place the adjective 'poor,' as if we didn't all know that just because a reprobate...