phlegm :

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  • n  apathy demonstrated by an absence of emotional reactions
  • n  expectorated matter; saliva mixed with discharges from the respiratory passages; in ancient and medieval physiology it was believed to cause sluggishness
  • n  inactivity; showing an unusual lack of energy

  • Nevertheless, he strayed from the scientific path in originating the universally popular doctrine of "humors" (blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile).
  • Characteristics: Modesty, taciturnity, diffidence (women make him blush), singleness of purpose, courage, occasional curtness, phlegm.
  • Memory is born of biological time, and it is borne on blood and bone and phlegm.
News & Articles

  • Pains You Can't Ignore
    In most cases, men use a three-tiered system for handling medical problems: Gaping flesh wounds warrant a trip to the E.R., blood-flecked phlegm calls for a doctor visit and anything less demands a big dose of suck it up.
    June 16, 2013 - Fox News

  • Simon Jones in
    Jones says, "I really feel for Richard because he smokes and that's hard when you've got phlegm on your lungs and you get a cold or whatever. I know that he struggles, especially when we've got a lot of gigs on the run. We're not really made to do...
  • Trever Miller in The State Journal-Register
    She wasn't sick, she just had a complication with her trachea (windpipe); every now and then it plugs up with some phlegm or mucous, and you have to get rid of it right away because she's suffocating,Miller said. "The timing of that was...
  • Augusto and Michaela Odone in Washington Post
    I took the pill last night, and the phlegm is gone,Augusto said.

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