pestilence :

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pe stuh luhns

  • n  a serious (sometimes fatal) infection of rodents caused by Yersinia pestis and accidentally transmitted to humans by the bite of a flea that has bitten an infected animal
  • n  any epidemic disease with a high death rate
  • n  a pernicious and malign influence that is hard to get rid of
    racism is a pestilence at the heart of the nation

  • After World War I, the pale horse of pestilence galloped unchecked across Europe.
  • Man-made pestilence still walks in the darkness of military secrecy.
  • In Europe's bloody wars, for every ten men slain by the enemy, pestilence has killed its thousands.
News & Articles

  • ‘Grown Ups 2’ Has No Plot — or Laughs
    War, plague, pestilence, famine, tornadoes, drought, head lice, cold corn dogs, the fourth hour of the Today show, that Train song where the guy sings about wanting a two-ply hefty bag — all of these things are far, far worse than Grown Ups 2 . And yet sitting through this deluded, directionless, relentlessly puerile comedy somehow feels equally punishing.
    July 12, 2013 - Valley News

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