overdress :

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oh verd res

  • v  dress too warmly
  • v  put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive

  • It's important that she doesn't overdress because she has a very strong presence.
  • Caroline, he writes, "tends to overdress except at the bod ices, which are cut so low, the gossip goes, that one can see the top of Sir Sid ney Smith's head.
  • One of these is a manic itch to overdress exhibitions.
News & Articles

  • Date Night Inspiration: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley's Leather and Lace
    Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Jason Statham (PacificCoastNews.com) When it comes to date night, we play by Vivienne Westwood's rule, "When in doubt, overdress." Apparently, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley abides by the same law of style. Over the weekend, the stunning model was seen on the arm of Jason Statham while wearing the sexiest on-the-town ensemble we've ever seen. Seriously, get a load of ...
    Aug. 19, 2013 - StyleBistro

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